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 Sondage sur les tableaux de bord et indicateurs de pilotage

Des tableaux de bord utiles ?

  • ulysse
  • Dimanche 15/06/2014
  • 16:52
  • Version imprimable

Les tableaux de bord ont envahi les discours, les systèmes d'information et le management en entreprise : reporting, indicateurs de performance, système décisionnel…

À l'occasion de la réédition de son livre « Élaborer des tableaux de bord utiles » (GERESO Editions), l’auteur, Marie-Hélène Millie, souhaite vous donner la parole, vous qui vivez ces tableaux de bord et indicateurs au quotidien.

Managers, contrôleurs de gestion, professionnels RH, métiers opérationnels ou fonctions supports, vous êtes tous concernés !

Donnez-nous votre avis sur vos tableaux de bord en répondant à notre sondage (10 questions / 5 minutes) à l'adresse suivante : 




Vos réponses resteront anonymes. Merci !


Ils sont particulièrement utiles parfois !



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Get User-Friendly Support With University Assignment Help Australia

 Australian universities and colleges are well regarded for their education standard. Many students want to earn a degree from a reputed college or university in Australia in order to access better career opportunities in the future. During college study, students face several challenges that hinder their academic progress. Academic writing is one most common challenges that demands a lot of study and expertise. Many students do not have adequate knowledge and skills to handle the writing task. To finish papers easily, they get university assignment help Australia from experts. Professional experts are highly qualified and equipped with the necessary sources and skills. They can provide user-friendly support to students in resolving all doubts and subject complexity in academic projects. With their support, students can prepare quality solutions on time and acquire clarity on the topic. The experts provide 24-hour accessibility for your project difficulty. You can easily access their support in writing tasks at any time.



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